Our Core Beliefs


In the New Testament, churches were often identified by the cities where God’s people gathered. Today, with the growth of God’s Kingdom and the spread of His Word, countless local churches exist across the globe, each sharing the core essentials of the Christian faith while reflecting unique theological and missional distinctives.

A church name communicates identity and heritage. Just as a name given to a child carries meaning and purpose, the name of a church can reflect God’s heart for that local expression of His body.

The name ASCEND Church was birthed through a moment of prayerful encounter with the Holy Spirit. It encapsulates the significance of Christ’s ascension, His most ultimate work, which reveals who Jesus is, His ongoing ministry, and who we are called to be in light of His finished work.

The ascension of Jesus Christ stands as the most significant moment in history, marking the culmination of His earthly ministry and His exaltation to the right hand of God. It confirms His victory over sin, death, and darkness, His sovereign rule as King, and His ongoing intercession for believers. It inaugurated the age of the Spirit-empowered Church and serves as a promise of His return when He will fully restore creation.

Our name was given to remind us of ten theological distinctives that shape our vision, mission, and values. These core beliefs form the foundation of a Kingdom culture that we are called to embody and spread throughout our city.

Here are ten theological distinctives that guide us, all rooted in the profound significance of Christ’s ascension:

Jesus Above Everything

We enthrone Jesus as the risen and exalted King of Glory. His ascension to the right hand of God confirms His ultimate authority over creation and His incomparable worth. We worship Him with our whole lives, seeking to know Him more deeply and glorify Him in all we do. Nothing is more important than this.

The Gospel is Central

The completed work of Christ is the foundation of our faith. His death and resurrection secure our salvation, and His ongoing intercession as the Ascended One ensures the application of His grace to our lives. We must therefore continually apply its truths to our hearts, that the Gospel may transform every aspect of our thoughts, motives, and actions.

Pursuit of God’s Presence

Through the ascension, Jesus invites us to “ascend the hill of the Lord” into the Father’s presence. While we rest in Christ’s imputed righteousness, we pursue holiness and freedom from sin to experience deeper fellowship with Jesus. Our greatest privilege is to gather as a people where God’s presence dwells among us. With God, all things are possible, and we

Faith for the Impossible

In Christ, we are seated in heavenly places, sharing in His victory and authority. This empowers us to live with a heavenly perspective and pray boldly for His will to be done on earth as in heaven. As we devote ourselves to His Word, our faith grows stronger, equipping us to confidently partner with God in seeing His Kingdom come and His will done.

The Way Up is Down

Jesus’ journey from heaven to a manger, from a sinless life to the cross, and then from the tomb to the throne demonstrates that true greatness in God’s Kingdom comes through humility, service, and sacrifice. We follow His example, laying down our lives for others, trusting that God exalts the humble in due time.

Love For His Church

The ascension marked Christ’s return to perfect unity with the Godhead, uniting believers from every nation into one global body. Through the local church, He gathers us under His Lordship to build a community that reflects His love, grace, and accountability. The local church is God’s tool for growing His Kingdom, which will eventually transform the world. So we invest fully in His body, serving with our time, resources, and gifts, living missionally together to love and serve a broken world.

Ministry Begins at Home

The relationship between Christ and His Church is most profoundly mirrored in the covenant of marriage. Marriage establishes a family—the smallest expression of God’s Kingdom culture – where His order, values, and love are lived out daily. Homes where Jesus is exalted create the healthiest environment for raising children while shaping parents in Christlikeness. Singleness, complex family dynamics, or unforeseen circumstances do not exclude anyone from this calling. Each of us is invited to build authentic relationships that embody covenantal love, formed in the hidden moments of home life.

Every Christian a Disciple-Maker

Before His ascension, Jesus gave us one core mission: to make disciples by preaching the Gospel with a heart to seek and save the lost. After ascending to the Father, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to empower us to share the Gospel, build genuine friendships with those far from God, and multiply followers of Jesus.

Equipping for Ministry

Jesus gives gifts to His Church through the five-fold ministry: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. These gifts are essential for equipping the Church to grow in unity, maturity, and effectiveness, ensuring Christ’s mission advances through every generation. Leaders who function in these roles are as vital in the local church today as they were two thousand years ago.

The Progressive Growth of God’s Kingdom

The ascension directs us toward the ultimate fulfillment of God’s Kingdom. Until Christ’s return, we labor in hope, transforming culture and hastening His coming by living as agents of revival, justice, and restoration. His Kingdom is advancing, and we joyfully join in His work.

The Historic Creeds

In addition to the core beliefs outlined above, which flow from our identity as ASCEND Church, we affirm the historic creeds of the early Church: the Apostles’ Creed (2nd-8th centuries), the Nicene Creed (325, 381), the Chalcedonian Creed (451), and the Athanasian Creed (5th–6th centuries). While we value these creeds and confessions as anchors in historic Christian teaching, they are subordinate to Scripture and have weight only insofar as they clarify Biblical truth.